Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Importance of DOCTYPE declaration in (X)HTML

From my experience, I can remember many cases where I knew for sure that I have written a HTML document correctly with Javascript and CSS, still it is not rendered properly in the browser. Few weeks back, I encountered the same problem and like every time it is the DOCTYPE declaration which is the reason for this mess. So. I thought of sharing my knowledge regarding DOCTYPE through this post. DOCTYPE is a declaration that we usually find in the very beginning of an HTML document (it applies to XHTML too). The first thing to remember here is that DOCTYPE is not a HTML tag. It provides some information to the browser regarding the version of HTML that has been used in the document. In other words, DOCTYPE is a meta-information for the HTML document.

What happens if we don’t specify the DOCTYPE declaration?
A DOCTYPE declaration tells the browsers to render a HTML document in standards and compliant mode. It ensures that the rendering of (X)HTML, CSS, and DOM is done in a standard way. Browsers make many assumptions and guesswork while rending a (X)HTML. If we do not specify any DOCTYPE declaration, browsers will use the “Quirks” mode and render the (X)HTML according to its own proprietary logic. Even if a (X)HTML has a valid DOCTYPE declaration but has validation errors against that DOCTYPE, the browsers may not complain and continue render it. For example, the (X)HTML below fails validation but it is rendered correctly in browsers.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<title> Test </title>

     <p>HTML content..</p></br>


Only if we have a valid DOCTYPE declaration and no validation errors with respect to the declared DOCTYPE, we can rest assure that the (X)HTML document will be properly rendered across browsers without writing any browser-specific tag. A list of valid doctypes can be found here.

The doctype declaration is significantly simplified in HTML 5. The valid declaration of HTML 5 doctype is:-

<!DOCTYPE html>

A simple (X)HTML document in html 5 will be as follows:-

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Document Title</title>

The content of the Document


Adding a DOCTYPE declaration to (X)HTMl documents is always the best practice. Most of tools we use to create (X)HTML documents do add a DOCTYPE declaration by default and also checks for the validity of the document against the declared DOCTYPE. The documents should only be published when there is no validation errors against a declared DOCTYPE.

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